TSVF Social & Emotional Learning Book Program
The purpose of this program is to spread the concepts of social and emotional learning to classrooms and schools across Long Island and the tri-state area. We will achieve our objective by donating a collection of books we selected, to teachers, school counselors and school social workers. These books cover kindness, confidence, empathy, and anti-bullying. The program is open to elementary and middle school teachers, counselors and social workers in the
New York area.
TSVF recognizes the importance of social and emotional learning in today’s society. The Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning, (CASEL.org) defines social and emotional learning as the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitude and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible choices. The pervasiveness of social interaction both in person and through social media makes it essential to teach kids how to interact with each other with kindness, empathy and the ability to make good decisions. It is our hope that this project will be one way to carry out our mission to help young people take a stand against bullying, find support around challenges and embrace each other’s differences.
We encourage teachers, school counselors, and school social workers to send an email explaining their plan to promote social and emotional learning in their classroom and school. We will then choose individuals to receive the book package appropriate to their grade level. It is our hope to donate as many books as possible in order to spread the concepts of kindness and empathy and promote social and emotional learning. In order to continue to grow this program, we would appreciate your feedback and/or comments on how these books are being used in your classroom (testimonials). Thank you for your commitment to social and emotional learning. To see if your school qualifies, please fill out the form below.